I was recently trying to put in the new codes into mky box after it had gone down when i made the mistake of going into factory settings, putting in the password and now i cannot exit out. On the main menu the channel edit and and user set up are not highlighted. i can go into the other headings on the menu but on exiting, once it goes back to languages it will not exit out of that. I have tried turning it off and unplugging it and rebooting. Also i have tried going into installation and retuning. Once done go to exit and still cannot get passed language. Any ideas please.
if you did a factory setting your pin has now changed back to the default pin(0000) on language choose english,then you will have to go throught the installation process again,press ok on installation, set your provider(ntl/virgin etc)then go down to auto scan and press ok,when the scan is complete press exit back to where it says installation and type in 1570, go to nagravision and press ok ,enter your codes and save ,then press exit back to where it says nagravision and go down to emu,use the right arrow button on the remote to change emu to on,press exit back to tv channels,all being well all is ok.channel edit would not be there as you said because you had no channels to edit.