Hi folks My Starview 4 super USB The Box is a couple of months old and has been providing a trouble free service. It had been taking a few turns on and off in the mornings before it would go to b-01 on the lcd then start ok. Now it will not go to b-01 and come on it constantly goes round and round from 8888 8882 ---- ? I read previous threads and checked for silver heatshrink, there is none so I assume it's not a clone. Unable to get into any menu's etc to access usb function, any ides what next?
hi i am having the same problem only bought box last week put on the latest software was working fine then bang it went to a black screen with 8882 message after playing with the remote i pressed the exit button and the box then comes back on and works fine unless i press exit button which it sends it back to 8882 message and switches off. has any1 had this problem before
Hi, I have had a Starview 4 since June, are they working now? My one has been gone for the last couple of weeks. I have tried the fix but I don't think I did it properly as nothing happened, I still don't have any channels just a blank screen. Can anyone please tell me step by step how to put the fix in? Sorry to annoy anyone but I am a bit of a dunce when it comes to this kind of stuff. Thanks a mill.