Hi, I've been looking all day on site for a fix and so far not found anything thats working, ive put the firmware (ver 1.12) and the logo onto usb drive and used them on box but when im scanning no channels are being found. could someone plz help?
check the cables are connected properly to the box and in the correct place, do not scan using any splitters, use direct live feed only. did the firmware download to the box ok?
cable is connected to port thats says cable input, definately live feed, i have been using eurovox pvr5000 for while now and it works fine, and the firmware and logo seemed to go onto the box no problem. ill try downloading the logo and firmware onto the box again, any other ideas?
tried downloading the logo and the firmware onto box again but still no results in scanning symbol rate 6887 correct?
I'm based in glasgow, scan gets to 95% (27/28) then when it reaches 28 jumps to 3% then 100% is this normal?
yeah nt1 is the provider but nothing is coming up. thx for the help guess im just gonna need to try rescanning every 5 mins lol
it could be a signal strength problem, do you have subbed or other box to try on the feed and check the signal strength?
yeah i have eurovox pvr which is working with the same cable, just cant seem to find channels with this box. as i said i think ive exhausted every option i have seen on this site :'( lol
try scanning different providers and doubly ensure you have the feed pushed tight into the "cable in" input.
tried scanning with all available providers with no luck, think i might just give up and admit defeat. thx again for your help, its much appreciated.
just read up about 8882 error dunt know what it means at all but when i turn on the box the display on thefront of the box reads 8888 then turns to 8882. just wondered if thats what could be wrong with it?
thats whats wrong with your box,looks like you may have a clone,you should send it back to supplier if still under warranty for an exchange. If thats not possible you can fix it by j-tagging.You will need a max 32 adaptor for this but a decent supplier should exchange the box.
hang on, he didnt say his box was bricked, just that the numbers came up when turning the box on, Firstly why flash a logo file on to a box when using the v1.12 file which has the log built in.... Factory reset the box, choose ex CW as your provider and Auto scan,