Hi Guys I reset by box to factory settings yesterday, changed EMU etc and done manual scan. I now only seem to have three or four channels, City, RTE & TV3. Once auto scanned its states 111 channels found, however as above I only get three or four. the strange thing is that when I go to channel edit they all have a $ ( dollar) sign beside them and just state scrambled channel, the channels I do get don't have this $ sign. can anyone help, havent seen this before? When I do manual scan stops before I get to 100% Thanks
Double check the codes in Nagravision n*l keys 8th July Ireland Line 00 = A9 86 6E EA 39 EA 09 49 Line 01 = 9E 40 85 78 E7 82 10 06
Hey, thanks for that but still no luck, have tried auto scan 5 or 6 times now, emu on , correct codes etc. Any ideas, those $ signs still appear, even appear beside channels when tuning ( on channel scan screen). Box def works as had all channels last week. Now only getting about or 7 , all Irish? Thanks
here do this it should work follow it step by step also check codes 1 by 1 and make sure they are right 1 Go to menu first 2.factory settings,password code 1668,press ok for it to delete the channels 3.Then turn your box off and wait a moment then turn back on again 4.pick your language,english then press ok. 5 go to installation,cable network n**,automatic scan. 6 once its done scanning,press exit exit twice from here 7.now your in the main menu,,press 1570 on remote pad. 8.now your in the cas menu,press the down tab once,to go to emu and turn it on,exit three times to get back to screen and view channels
No $ signs there before, have tried those steps and no luck, I turned the box off and then back on to see if any differnace whn fully done ( OFF STANDBY). I now have a message saying data is being updated on the info bar, just goes up to 400or 500% etc and repeats itself, just a blank screen. Any more ideas? Just one thing I tabed down twice to get to the EMU key, the default key option was in between that, assume that is nothing. Thanks ..
codes are good, have them as I should, def something to do with that $ sign thing?, any more ideas on how to get rid of these, if not no worries, getting close to binning it at this stage. thanks
did you check the codes against my ones and check your emu again and codes that is the only problem one or the other
nothing to do with the software read back over the threads before replying to posts as you will get people confused thanks
Firstly, I only asked what software is loaded as it isnt mentioned. secondly how does asking a question confuse people?
because we had already gone thru that already if you had look thru the thread you would have seen this if you want to help fine but read the thread before you jump in as the person that is being helped will get confused if other people start asking the same questions over again so all i ask is just read over first you are more than welcome to help
first of all make sure you have the right firmware on it the one for the specific starview you have then do factory setting then automatic scan then go back to main menu and type in 1570 which should bring you to the cas menu go turn EMU on and press default setting and wait till it saves then press exit till you get scrambled screen then wait till it does and auto update and then should be fine
Thanks guys, still no luck, have tried everything at this stage,as regards the firmware, box worked fine 2 weeks ago before i messed about with it when i lost sky sports, its that $ sign issue again, cant get any channels where that appears, all bar 6 or 7. Appreciate your help though I guess there is nothing else I can do??
The firmware you have on your box is causing you the problems that is why they have updated it to stop the freezing but if you want to do your own thing that is fine no problems