Hi, My girlfriends Starview box has lost alot of channels including Setanta, Sky Sports etc. This happened around 3 days ago. Does anyone know how to fix this problem??? The box is a genuine Starview box aswell. Thanks Colin
Try doing an auto scan,if that doesn't work try a manual scan by putting in the frequencies for each channel.
Thanks, Ive tried an auto scan, its still the same. There are around 30 channels not showing, doing a frequency scan for each will take a long time, i may have to do this though. But around 6 months ago the same thing happened and i got a four digit code from someone to enter at the main menu and it updated the box and all the channels worked again. Is there anything like this, this time around? Thanks
That code is 1570 which you enter when you press the menu button check to see when you enter this code that a thning called EMU is turned on,30 channels are gone that's bizarre,were all these channels ok up to 3 days ago ?
Thanks for that guys, i am just heading over to see her just now, will try the codes then. Thanks again Colin
If you are in the UK , there has been a code change recently You can find these here http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/531363
Hi I don't Know if you have the same problem as I did but I had lost a lot of my channels mainly the sport. When I went into NAVAGATION my local provider T***pst N**l & c**** was not listed they had gone. So what I did was I got the new codes from this forum and whatever provider came up I put in the codes for T****pest starting at the BOTTOM first,then 00,then 5A 01 working up from the bottom otherwise the provider changes if you do it the other way, then saving as I went along then I moved on to another provider and did the same with the 01 set of codes. then the same with the codes for C**** and n**l now all my providers are back and all my channels. you must do the six sets of codes and don't forget to save after every line and on the way back to full screen switch on the EMU Cheers From POP67
If any of your providers are missing from your CAS menu all you have to do is press the default key and they will return.
Hi That would have saved me some time last week but thanks for the input, one scouser to another. Cheers