Howdy Folks, During Aug this year my Starveiw box with N*L Dublin went from 170 channels to 34 only, codes OK, so I did the following...Menu Factory setting code 1668 press OK turn off for a min turn back on press OK select english put in provider N*L and auto scan back to menu press 1570 down EMU switch to ON and exit. It worked a treat all 170 channels returned... However I have Lost most of the channels again this month but the above procedure will do work this time, Can anyone make a suggestion?? current codes I have are 00 A3 86 6E EA 39 EA 09 49 01 94 40 85 78 E7 82 10 06 Regards, Mylesy.
The a3 in the first line ie 00 should be a9 dont forget to press save when you change the codes and also make sure you press the autodefault button,this should solve your problems as there are no key changes in dublin since july
Karljd, You are the MAN, it worked , back in action thanks to you, your'e great. My kids can stop killing me over this now... life is bearable again. Kind regards, Mylesy
Cheers mylsey thanks for the kind words and getting back to let us no how you got on,that bloody disney will wreck your head again!
Karljd You are dead right, the kids are looking at the Disney channel right now... it's sick!! Thanks again for your help. Regards, Mylesy