Starview Problem 7Nov2007

Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by VIPER85, Nov 7, 2007.

  1. VIPER85

    VIPER85 Member

    Sep 7, 2007
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    Hi guys ive had my starview box for about a year now and never had any problems with it. Recently though, my Filmfour+1 channel stopped outputting audio and when i clicked the audio button the box came up empty. I found this strange and tried an automatic scan for new channels incase it was just the tv channel that was screwed and perhaps was a newer working version as ive noticed alot of duplicate channels, some with sound and some without when you scan for them. Anyway i checked all the new channels that where found and none of them was the Filmfour+1 channel so started to get frustrated. Whilst deleting all these extra channels i had scanned for i found 2 channels i had never seen before (Vrgin 1 and Virgin +1) so decided to move them into my main list, when i did this i went through all my channels again and realised that both Filmfour AND Filmfour+1 now had no sound, even more agitated i decided to check all my channels inidvidually to see if there was any more channels with this problem. I checked them all and all were fine, but i had noticed now that BBC One was playing audio from another channel, something about a chick getting a sex change to become a man, which wasnt what was playing visually on BBC One at the time so i checked the channels to find out if it was coming from elsewhere and sure enough there was a documentary on BBC3 about the sexchange thing. I am totally lost as, apart from adding a couple extra channels and getting rid of a few that had recently stopped airing (more4+1 etc) nothing else has been touched. Has anyone else had this problem or know how to sort it? When i first got my Starview box i manually sorted the channels into the order that i wanted and got rid of all the duplicate channels and crap that i didnt need like indian tv etc and i dont want to have to do all that again in the case that i have to reset to factory settings or whatever. If i absolutely HAVE to i will but im looking for any other solutions in the meantime. Oh by the way, when i realised BBC One was getting sound from another channel i grabbed a duplicate BBC One that was working fine, i then deleted the BBC One that had the wrong audio and replaced it with the good one, after checking the channels one more time i realised that BBC Two was now getting audio from another channel. This is really pssing me off. Please help.
  2. sc0user

    sc0user Senior member

    May 31, 2007
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    Bet your fingers hurt after that post :)

    Any problem channels just do as you have done, note the frequency they are on first and then delete them, they should appear fixed at the end of your channel list.
  3. VIPER85

    VIPER85 Member

    Sep 7, 2007
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    I sorted it bud, thanks for the reply, appreciate it.

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