Hi everyone, Just wondering if any one had any views as to which is the best box to get ? everyones views would be greatly welcomed !!
Your inquisitive today With regards to the boxes themselves it comes down to personal choice. As it is both a matter of budget and ease of use. Linux based boxes, i.e. Dbox2,Dreambox,Itgate etc,are the best boxes on the market, but they are also the hardest to set up and some are quite expensive especially if you are going down the PVR route. Although you can receive true widescreen with these boxes. The replay and digivox also have this capability. Going to the Eurovox which is the next in line. This is a box that does as it says on the tin. Take it out of the box flash it with the right firmware, scan channels in and away you go. The EPG is also quite good on this box. Finally the Starview, the cheapest and the easiest box to set up. With the latest firmware installed it will automatically update the codes if the CC change them, (As will the Dbox2 & Eurovox). It is also very easy to set up. Believe me if you are looking for a good EPG experience on the Starview forget it as lets say it is less than intuitive, better off with the TV guide. You have also enquired about live TV recording similar to Sly+. Yes you can buy a Starview PVR that will have somewhat the functionality of a Sly+ box,though it has a long way to go before it can be compared. But you get what you pay for and it does what it says as such. All these boxes were basically designed for FTA purposes originally, and as such have firmware upgrades to allow you view "all" channels. With regards to key code changes the last one was nearly two months ago, believe me that is a long time as they used to change them every few days. The frequency shifted only once and that was a while back to. In closing as I said it is a matter of choice taking into account your budget, ease of use and preferences. In regards to support as you can see this forum and its members are quite knowledgeable with regards to all box types and are more than willing to offer anyone advice. We have also got all the software/firmware for all boxes here. So if by chance you do get stuck there is always someone here to help you out.
Thanks for the very informative reply. When the codes are rolled what needs to be done to the starview pvr and the eurovox max boxes. ie. Do the codes need to be entered manually or do they auto update. Thanks.
I think you have your answer here. Just one note however, the eurovox max does not record, which to me would be a deciding factor in which box I would purchase.