Hi all just got a new starview the box pvr i put the harddrive from my olf sky+ box in the unit and formated it with the starview however when i am recording most times the recording is bad somtimes its recording is ok but with no sound somtimes its recoring plays for the thirst 5 sec then black screen. somtimes its plays but the recording is braking up sound is choping picure is pausing, and then somtimes it records great. i think its some channels it seams to be the encrrpted chanels it dont like but somtmes its ok. Could the problem be with my hard drive i had problems with sky plus braking up also. Thanks in advance for any help given.
@jimbg17 Hi Are you getting a good picture without breakup on yout TV? if good sounds like a Hard Drive problem, what speed is it? and how old? Certainly worth trying another. Another thing to check is to see if you have the latest firmware in the box pvr. To check : Menu/System Setup/System Information. The latest is (E Ver 4.500,6th July)
Thanks for the reply Its an old maxtor 40gb from a sky+ box its strange that sometimes its bad and somtimes it great just recorded a program on nick channel and it was great no brakup and sound great All other drives i have are SATA so i cant test other drives. But i will try and get a new drive soon Could you guys recomend a drive that works good with this pvr Thank's In Advance I have also been reading on other forums that a system bug could be causing this.i have also the new BoxPVR_E_v4506_15Oct.bin this made a little difrance to my epg speed and the channel rename works mutch better
@jimgb17 Hi I haven't tried that firmware in my box yet but I do have it ready. I am running the Ver 4.500,6th July.bin in my box with a Samsung 120gb IDE Drive and it works fine. Any of the well known hard drives should be fine in your box, try for a 7200 rpm. It may be worth trying the ver 4.500 6thJuly on your box while you wait for a new drive in case it is a firmware issue you have with v4506_15Oct.bin. jbvid