Hi I have a starview box in the UK. Its with T*****T. Can I get Xtra on it it does not appear when I run a system scan. Looking for it for the Rangers game tommorrow, Thank you kindly
If you are in Scotland you will find it with a manual scan on 411.000. If you are in the South West you will find it on 499.000.
Thanks, I have found it on the manual scan but the station is badly distorted and breaking up, any ideas
Might be just a bad reception tonight could be ok tomorrow leave it till tomorrow and see (comon the celts lol)
Now , now , stop boasting lol ha ha I just said to the other half , I had to go online for a few mins cos I had a problem with the Eurov0x EPG lol , shushhhhhhhh
Hi lynne thats beside Falkirk, am I right? If so 411.000 is the correct frequency, there are nine channels on this frequency in your area. Do you have Sly Sports 2 as this is on the same frequency. If you are still having problems, you may have to do a factory reset and autoscan again, although this will mess up your channel order if you have it sorted to your liking.
Moring scouser ive tried a factory reset but problem is still the same. Sky Sports 2 and Sky sports xtra are both stil pixelating and jumpping about.
Delete the channels and try again lynne. Failing that I can give you a channel dump file for your area if you would like to try this.
Ill try deleting them again. can you let me know how to do the channel dump thing just incase. Cheers
Just go to Eamos Fta Library at the bottom of my post and download the gtromloader from the Starview Software Folder and the Starview Guide for the Starview Documentation Folder, this will tell you how to use the Gtromloader to download a channel file. Just shout if you need the file and I will put it here for you.
Have you looked at the guide on how to download a channel file to your SV. I have to give you the channel file. You will also need a null modem cable have you got one?