Why does the box keep shutting down and then rebooting is this a software issue and is there a fix? While I am on tried downloading files on to my computer everything was there on the Window but would not transfer or drag and drop from the starview to the PC is there some software solution to this.
Hi, i have the same problem, my box keep swicthing itself on and off. Is there a answer to this problem. I have checked that it is not over heating.
You're better off using API 4.54e_E. version 4.50 and 4.51 have a known fault it usually happens on the epg menu.
could you please point me in the right direction of where i can find this ver and how to install. Thanks
you need gt rom http://www.4shared.com/file/45558510/c5c166ae/GTRom_v4100.html and the box firmware http://www.4shared.com/file/45558556/48ce069f/thebox_H20071015_454eE_api.html and a null modem cable. connect the null modem to the pc and box open gt rom unzip the box firmware file in gt rom click bin file and select the box firmware file press download and just wait. if you want to back up your channel order pick channel data and press upload and call it channel list or something. then when the box is done you can pick download and select the channel file.