hi,dont no if im in right place as first time at this.ive got starview 3 but one cant get bbc itv chanel 4 and 5 and also espn for sprts.can any one help but please in simplest terms and not techno speak for experts.
If you are in Ireland southern half you wont if you are on N$$ as they have moved to N2 otherwise scan with no splitters on your incoming cable
How are starview 3 boxes in Northern ireland (on n*L) running? I've just received one from a friend in Dublin but can't get any nonfreeview channels going. It's on 7.05e_E with 8.0 I've done 1 5 7 0 and done the ON and Store but when I go to S*y 2 it just keeps scrolling from 0% up to 100%(and sometimes even 130%) but still no luck any guidance? Do I need a more recent firmware and if so which?
Because Northern Ireland is not part of sourthern ireland and they use NTL in the north the south on the other hand use UPC totally different company
Check here for the latest update for your box to work in uk http://forums.afterdawn.com/t.cfm/f-59/only_boxs_working_in_ireland_hints_and_tips-updated-782583/ It says for Ireland but you'll find eamo's library there which has all updates for boxes.