
Discussion in 'All other topics' started by msb5150, Aug 10, 2003.

  1. msb5150

    msb5150 Regular member

    Dec 24, 2002
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    As many have probably found out, starwars episodes 4-7(I think those are the right numbers) wont come out on dvd for a while, and when they do come out the dvds will be of the new(modified versions) as opposed to the clasics I grew up watching on video, now I suppose that this thread is sort of half question half statement. I have met through my brother a person who has the original starwars on dvd, he apparently got them from some one else who was able to copy the original starwars from laser disc to dvd. That's the statement, here's the question: I asked and this person said that the movies were copied to a computer and then recompiled to burn to dvd, so I am wondering if anyone knows how you can connect a laser-disc player to a computer to copy movies over. I want to know for the informational purposes since neither myself or anyone I know has a laser-disc player, or even laser-discs.
    Thanks to all who reply._X_X_X_X_X_[small]This is an amazingly imformative site with many places to find information and help. Please support it.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2003
  2. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    Hello, A lazer disc player has the RCA (3 cables, yellow, white and red), S-video, or coax just like VCR's and the connection depends on when bought. Basically you will need a capture card and then the files, digital files can be transfered. Some of the first DVD players were 5 disc DVD combo with a lazer disc player. So connections will vary, but al you really need is a capture card.
    Back to Starwars, I have heard that both older and new Jaba the hut modified version will be availabele in very expensive collectors DVD set. So I wouldn't worry too much if I was you, any way to make extra money they will do it.
  3. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    DVD versions of StarWars are available. I bought the original theatrical release from and individual at a SciFi convention. An odd liceincing agreement allowed them to be issued but not massed produced. Little expensive, but worth it. So they are available. I have also seen them on Lazer disc at Sam the Record Man. But that's a Canadian store and in Lazer disc format were about $80 each.

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