While playing about 20 min of counter-strike i get this message telling me that steam BLAH BLAH BLAH error and then kicks me off of counter-strike I Already re-installed steam but, didnt fix or do anything! MAN this pisses me off! Plz help?
well it dousnt matter what server im in, but it might be all about my RAM I dont have 2 much left no more? U think thats da problem??
If you just installed new RAM thats probly the problem. If not the RAM that you have is most likly full from all of the internet cookies and what-not. Also If you play to many games before playing CSS you have to reboot your computer to free up the ocupied RAM. RAM is like muscle needed to lift a box too less it wont budge, too much and your fine.
Ive been traveling around all day fixing peoples steam problems, including misters syphers there. ok...what is the message specificaly?