so i have a video ipod and i have figured most of it out now, however i have trouble gettiong movies from limewire to play on my i pod. only the videos from dvds i have burnt work the videos from limewire are in mpeg4 format and everything they play perfectly on i tunes to on my i pod it shows a black screen for a few seconds than goes back to the menu. does anyone know what the problem is?
What firmware anr you currently runing? If you don't know, on your iPod go to settings-->about. Then next to Version it will say either 1.0 or 1.1. If you have v1.1, you will have to downgrade to v1.0.
Thanks for the help i have version 1.1, im not sure how to downgrade though do you think you caould help me with that to please thanks.
I say the source forge website to downgrade my i pod but i also noticed that it only downgrades to 1.1, so im not sure do i download it(althought my ipod is already v1.10 or do i keep trying to find a version 1.0
Version 1.0 can be found here.. PC - MAC - Restore your iPod using this version 1.0 and you have successfully downgraded. There are other methods you can try which don't involve you having to restore your iPod. Have a look here for more info.
i was just double checking but do you have to pay for megaupload to download the program and thatnks a lot for the help to
nevermind i found how to download it thanks alot though i have been trying to figure this out for almost a week now
im preety sure this is the last thing iam going to need help with but when i try to install the program from megauplaod theres an error saying the installer has insufficient privilages to acess this directory, this instillation cannot continue. Log on as administrator or contact the administrator. and im not quite sure how to get it working do you have any ideas?
I have now succesfully downgraded to v1.0 but iam still having the same problem, the videos i burn work and the videos from limewire will not, the limewire mives are in mpeg4 format and will play on iTunes and other video players but when i try to play it on my ipod there is not saound just a black screen for about 10-15 seconds then goes back to the menu. Do you have any other suggestions? thanks
ninma - even though your limewire videos are in mp4 format, they usually still have to be transcoded to comply with the iPod's capabilities in relation to framerate, audio & video & quality etc. Have a look at my stickied video conversion guide for info on how to convert.
the ipod plays all videos i have burned from a dvd but none i have gotten from limewire, it wont play any videos i have downloaded from limewire
so i tryed converting the movie file again its still not working and im preety sure the videos from limewire meet the requirment also any other ides guys thanks alot for the effort to by the way
Which converter did you use & what settings did you apply? I have yet to come across a video that can be transferred straight from limewire to my iPod. They need to be transcoded ;-)
Yeah, same here. Every video I've put on my iPod straight from Limewire had audio lag or other problems.
ya i have talked to some of my friends and they said that most of their movies fron limewire played on their i pod,