Stills Capture

Discussion in 'Digital camcorders' started by Norriss, May 6, 2006.

  1. Norriss

    Norriss Member

    Jun 29, 2005
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    Hi all

    I have captured the video from my camcorder using Nero. I am currently trying to take some stills of the footage (also using nero). The files i save come out as bitmap and look pretty good. The problem is that hwen i print them on my photo printer the resolution is rubbish and the pictures look poor.

    Does any body have any advice as to how I can improve this situation??

    I dont know if I am doing soemthing worng with Nero or if I need to use a different piece of sfotware to capture the stills with. any advice would be great.


  2. cadderly

    cadderly Guest

    you could try playing the files with power dvd & using the capture button on it to take a still picture of what your looking for.also try changing the bitmap to jpeg.quality always better when your printing out.
  3. BlinkN

    BlinkN Regular member

    Mar 26, 2006
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    He said the stills come out fine when he opens the bitmap. So I don't think it's going to make a difference if he does it with PowerDVD. I'm curious though, what kind of printer do you have and what kind of photo paper are you using? Photo matte or photo glossy?

    This also brings up another question. What's the resolution of the image when Nero output the stills?

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