I have stomp 4.5 And I can not get it to find my pioneer 110 i know i had it in before i formatted so i presume there is a update for the Drive engine , Can Anyone Help Please thank You
a simple google and I found this: http://www.dvd-recordable.org/Reviews+index-req-showcontent-id-137.phtml With the latest PXDRV.DLL 5/03/2006 the following drives are supported Pioneer DVR-107 Pioneer DVR-108 Pioneer DVR-109 Pioneer DVR-110 Pioneer DVR-111 NEC ND-2500A NEC ND-3500AG NEC ND-3540A NEC ND-4551A BENQ DW1620 LG HL-DT-STDVDRAM GSA-4163B LG HL-DT-ST_DVDRRW_GSA-4166B PHILIPS PBDV16LSP1 PHILIPS SPD2400L1 PHILIPS PBDV1640P PLEXTOR_DVDR_PX-716A