The past two MS updates including the one today(MS06-001 - Vulnerability in Graphics Rendering Engine Could Allow Remote Code Execution (912919)), resulting in a stop error blue screen 000007b upon rebooting. I was able to fix both by rebooting from the Win2K disk and going to the manual repair and then run chkdsk. After chkdsk ran and replace some security files, I exited and rebooted and things were fine -each time. What could be happening with these updates? Thanks much.
the updates are for the windows meta file expliots, i dont see whats happening to your computer, but if the update doesnt work and makes your OS installation go lala, then try this... go to start click run. then type regsvr32 /u shimgvw.dll if you find it effects other programs you can reenable it by typing regsvr32 shimgvw.dll
The updates seem to work. Upon running chkdsk, it finds "security descriptors" which are invalid and replaces them with default vaules then reboots and things work OK. Thanks