Stop selling software

Discussion in 'AfterDawn feedback & suggestions' started by devil60, Jan 10, 2004.

  1. devil60

    devil60 Guest

    All I see and read on this forum and others like it is buy or get this or that software

    Its time to say why you like or dislike on the software that you have and give some help to others that ask you for it. Not to sell them some other software thy dont need or what.
  2. gotisos

    gotisos Guest

    most people in this forum are highly educated when it comes to any of the software that is being discussed. Personally I take people's opinions lightly, but if I see that a lot of people are using certain programs, and are having a lot of success with it, then it is most likely a good program.

    Why the hell else would they mention it anyway? Just because one person has good results with a certain program, does not make the program good. I want to see an overall concensus, before I use any software, not just because some schmuck had great results. If you need info on a certain program feel free to post on it and I will be more than ready to tell you my feelings, maybe you have the same great results that I did
  3. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Perhaps it might be good to ask whoeever is suggesting that you get the software to give a point or two, nothing pushy you know? :).

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