i have an r4i card which has been working fine.i had noticed that a new update for dSi today(the one which puts facebook icon onto your camera album)since then my r4i card has stopped working can anyone please help me can you downgrade the dsi to when i 1st brought the dsi.....thanks donna
You can't downgrade I'm afraid. You will have to wait for an upgrade to your R4i card however you will probably need to buy a new flash cart, that's the news emerging from the R4i manufacturers.
to Sheza my r4i card is the 1 in the red its says on it sdhc r4i-sdhc upgrade revolution for ds(ndsi/ndsl/nds) but i dont know if its the card or the dsi as its the only 1 in my house it comes up and say an error has occurred then asks to turn it off but i can pls normal games but it has only happened since i did the system upgrade thanks.....donna
R4i.co.uk is a website that sells R4 and other game carts. R4i.co.uk is a division of www.memorybits.co.uk They also sell AceKards and M3 DS Real's. They are by no means the manufacturers and whatever they say should be taken with a pinch of salt. R4i.co.uk is owned by www.memoybits.co.uk who sell memory cards and other accessories. LOL.
Hey there. Sorry, but the update has caused ALL flash cards to stop working. You will have to wait for an update for your R4i. It may turn out that you will have to buy a new R4i card (due to the nature of this update). For now we can just wait and see.
Yep, my son upgraded his Dsi and now his Acekard 2i doesnt work. Has anyone any news of when an update to the Acekard will be available?
Apparently it's finished but it's a very rusty hack and is still undergoing extensive beta testing. Simple way to avoid family updating is to remove wifi and remove all the connection information. So at the moment we have to wait, and be prepared to follow a very rusty, very poor english guide on how to update the AceKart. It ain't gonna be easy. Some people say it will require the use of a DS Lite. Some people say we'll need a new cart.
the same happen to my childs. r4i card dont work in my childs but in a diff one. im buying a newer r4i card with the 1.14 version
focalprice.com real cheap but takes a long time to get to uk from china, www.ndscardshop.co.uk i just bought 2 from and they came and were genuine, if you gonna use a dstt, i would recommed a dstti it works in ds lites and dsi consoles http://video.google.co.uk/videosear...sult_group&ct=title&resnum=4&ved=0CBoQqwQwAw# loads of video links on how to set up from the youtube link, upgraded the dstti to run on 1.4 and it works fine. iv'e written a guide how to upgrade the dstti to run on 1.4 dsi firmware check it out http://forums.afterdawn.com/t.cfm/f-176/dstti_working_on_1_4e_dsi-815300/ the r4 games (.nds)and game saves (.sav) will run on the dstti when you change from an r4 to a dstt kernel http://forums.afterdawn.com/t.cfm/f...rs_story_working_on_dstt_cart_1_17a07-805925/ http://filetrip.net/f7383-DSTT-Unofficial-Kernel-1-17a07.html