I got PSOLoad for OS X, PSO I&II (not plus), the broadband adapter and a crossover cable. I have some iso files to test with, but I'm at a loss as to how I initialize my memory card. I know under Windows I could type "psul -s" in a dos prompt, but would the same command work under a unix terminal in os x? I haven't even tried yet, but I wanted to see if there is anybody here that even uses a Mac. I don't have a pc and I don't have virtual pc either. I'm guessing since utilities exist out there for the Mac it must be possible. Any pointers or info? I'd really appreciate it. Thanks
according to the ThinAir readme file they recommend using virtual pc or an actual pc to configure the network with PSUL first. is there really no way to configure the network using the Mac? and are there really no Mac users doing this on here? I'm amazed ThinAir even exists then!
Yep, you can do it entirely from a Mac. Thinair doesn't document PSOload very well. You might download PSOload 2.0 for osx, and follow the docs for saving your PSO user info to a memory card (so you don't have to keep going through the bogus account creation process on PSO.) First, completely follow the instuctions for setting up your Mac and GC IP addresses. I suggest creating a "Location" in your network prefereces panel specifically for the PSO. I've had best luck connecting the Mac and GC through a 10mbit dumb hub, so nothing gets the wild idea to try 100Mbit. Once you do that, then cd to the directory with psoload and issue this: sudo psoload -s It will ask for your password. It needs it to enable the mini-dns that is built into PSOload. After that, fire up PSO on the GC and go through the bogus account creation procedure. Once it successfully saves your character info to the memory card, you can then use thin-air by itself.
Ohh... keep in mind streaming only works for some games, and for many of them, it doesn't work very well. Try and hunt down a copy of the anaconda04r.dol or the gcos_pso.dol (version 1.4) and use thinair to send that to your cube, then you can play burned games... at least that is what I am going to try this weekend. I'm going to try burning a few ISO's to Ritek mini DVD-R's with Toast. If that fails, then I'll use the proven Nero method. Streaming the ISO is no longer necessary, just streaming the loader.
Well, everything worked out pretty much first try using a Mac for all aspects of streaming/backing up/burning. Used Toast Titanium 6.0.5 to burn the ISO. You have to be in advanced mode. Select the copy tab, and then select "image" over on the sidebar. When you open the ISO, it will complain that it doesn't recognise the format and ask what sector size and pregap/postgap you want. Just select 2048 for the sector size, and leave pregap and postgap at 0. (Used Nero on my PC to gather up all that info from a test burn.) Burned to a Ritek R04 mini DVD at 1x (just to be extra safe.) The burner was a Pioneer A04. Fired up ThinAir and told it to serve up the GCOS1.4.dol. Started up PSO, and started a game and GCOS loaded just fine. Told it to play a backup and swapped to the burned copy of Metroid Echos, and told it to use NTSC (Rather than letting it auto-pick the format.) Some notes: -ThinAir refused to serve up the Anaconda dol file. Dunno why... don't care. PSO would just timeout waiting for it. I might have a bad dol. -I didn't do the cover switch mod. Looks like it isn't needed, at least for GCOS. -The GC appears to love the Riteks. No odd noises from the laser or drive. Booted as fast as an original. -On Metroid Echos, I tried selecting "Auto choose format" and it locked at a black screen. Choosing NTSC worked fine.
If you want to know more about thinair, google for: thinair gamecube osx The first link is the homepage. (I'd put a link directly to the page, but that isn't always a good idea with this type of stuff.) After more tinkering, it looks like I might have to play with the laser power. Tested Mario Tennis (one of the worst for DREs) and it does error out if left in demo mode for a while.
Squished you are my hero. no joke. I almost gave up on this thread and finally just decided to check in on it. low and behold you had responded. anywho, I finally just tried doing it and got viewtiful joe 2 streaming to my cube. i was super happy until i tried playing the game. ugh. anyway, i was a bit pissed about that whole typing in your account info junk pso forces on you so i'm extremely happy you mentioned that there is a way to get around that. i'm having a hard time finding psoload 2.0 even though i could swear i found it before...anyway, what are the .dol files for and isn't there a site that lists what .dol files to use with what games? burning to mini-dvds huh? i may be very very interested in doing that if you say it works. the stuttering play is just unbearable...from what you describe it sounds just like burning an xbox backup so it's just a matter then of getting the mini dvds. if you could contact me outside of the forum feel free to email me at this_email_is_fakeATmacDOTcom you da man!