ok i was thinking about something, another thread reminded me a couple years ago i read that stripping the swap file on 2 different harddisks can improve performance, my question is will this be true if the second hd is slower than the first? my main hd is 7200rpm i think and i have an older 20gb drive installed that is 4500 or 5200...so would i still benefit from splitting the swap between the 2 or actually putting all swap on the slower drive? thanx for reading, this has been a samo production. edit: the second drive is a fujitsu @ 5400rpm
Basquiat, you answered your own question! Will performance improve if I place the pagefile (though stripped) on a "slower" hard drive? Uh.....nuh uh, nope... Stripping the pagefile can improve performance though I haven't seen all that much data on it to prove it's a worth while tweak. If you have sufficient amounts of system ram, and place that pagefile on the outer edges of the second hard drive, you should get decent performance from the virtual memory should you need it. A sure fire way to keep the pagefile on the outer edge, is to create a small 5GB partition as the first partition on the drive. Format and set.
well ive got windows tweaked so i use very little system memory and rarely run anything that eats all my ram (nero using about 300mb is as bad as it gets), so think i will just leave things the way they are for now, thanx for the info!