I just updated to Subtitle Workshop 4 and for some reason when I load the video and subtitles and press play the subtitles wont follow the film all they just sit there at the top. I've never had this problem before. They should be jumping from one subtitle to the next. I tried several videos and none work. Please advise.
Just installed Subtitle Workshop 2 and I still can't get the subtitles to work. This has all just happened after I reinstalled Windows XP. There must be an update perhaps that I need to download to get this to work.
I haven't seen this problem - in fact I just installed it on a stripped-down XP machine to test and it worked ok. Try posting in the subs forum at VideoHelp. http://forum.videohelp.com/forums/42-Subtitle
Thanks Attar I'll check it out. I can't recall installing codecs etc before the re-installation. I've seen numerous other people with the same problem, I presume there is a simple explanation somewhere.