Ok, I have something weird going on. I am all of a sudden having problems with burning successfully. Here's my info: HP Pavillion notebook model zd8000 w/WinXP Media Center ed. SP2 Burner: TSSTcorp CD/DVDW TS-L352M FW HR08 All software is up to date, firmware up to date, Have 2GB of RAM Have 60GB of free harddrive Using DVD FAB Platinum v. Media is Sony DVD+R MIJ (8x) DVD Identifier shows Sony as manufacturer and code as D21 I have successfully burned 40-some of this cake of 50 plus over 100 successful burns besides I even opened a new cake of Sony's and same problem. Write speed set at slowest booktype set to DVD-ROM IDE/ATAPI control set to DMA H/D is defragged ran AdAware, ran virus scan and I'm getting bad burns about one time in every three burns. Doesn't seem to matter what movie I try to b/u, and it isn't strictly one bad burn every 3 tries. The bad discs are completely unreadable. DVD Identifier reports: [06:43:57] DVD Identifier V4.3.0 [06:43:57] Initializing Drive Interface [Auto-Select ASPI/SPTI] [06:43:57] SPTI Drive Interface Successfully Initialized [06:43:58] 1 Supported Drive Found (Out Of 1 Available Drive) [06:43:58] Manufacturer Database [01-MAY-06@680$88] Loaded From File : (@680$88) Entries Found [06:43:58] Internet Version Check Has Been Disabled By The User [06:44:01] Waiting For Drive To Initialize Disc... [06:44:20] ERROR : Unable To Initialize Disc In Time : Medium error - Unable to read TOC, PMA or subcode [03/57/00] I have not made any recent changes to my computer nor have I installed any new hardware or software. I even restored my system to a restore point last week when all was working fine. What have I missed? Any ideas? I appreciate any input.
If you are using Nero, then it would be easier to locate the problem if you posted a Nero History log, located here Nero 6 history log location: Program Files>Ahead>Nero>NeroHistory.txt Nero 7 history log location: Program Files>Nero>Nero 7>Core>NeroHistory.tx
now that you gave us all your info what about the name of the movie you are trying to copy and what is the burning error message? or does the burner just stop? I also think that you should write at 4x on those Sony's. Good disk, by the way! @Gwendolin......
Sorry, not using Nero, using VSO burning engine. DVDFAB doesn't give you an actual speed option, the options are fastest, slowest, or recomended. Since I don't know what "recommended is, I felt 'slowest' was safest. And, I've successfully burned more than a hundred b/u's with this set up. The movies I tried and failed with are Glory Road, but then the very next burn I got a successful burn. Then tried Firewall and that was a success. I thought I'd try it again and see what happens so on 2nd attempt with Firewall, got a bad burn. Funny thing is, I dont get any error msgs., the program doesn't quit. Everything looks good till I try to play the movie and then, no joy. In my computer, it will just spin in the drive and go nowhere, in a standalone, it will try forever to load and finally say: Bad Disc. This is what is so confusing. Sometimes it burns good, then the very same movie won't burn but doesn't throw up any errors either until you try to play it. Any ideas?
I d/led and installed a fresh copy of DVDFAB Platinum and that hasn't solved my problem either. I am still getting intermittent burn failures where in the past I have had near 100% success. Does anyone have any ideas about what could be going wrong here?
do you have Roxio (Sonic anything) on your computer with Nero? those two conflict and may cause problems with other burning software. I like Nero better than Roxio so here is Roxio Zapper.... first uninstall Roxio then use the zapper to take out everything that mentions Roxio on your computer. This might help! http://www.softpedia.com/get/Tweak/Uninstallers/Roxio-Zap.shtml good luck. then again if you like Roxio here is Nero Clean tools for ver 6: http://ww2.nero.com/nero6/en/Clean_Tools.html for ver 7: http://ww2.nero.com/nero7/enu/Nero7_CleanTool.html either way..... this should help.
IHoe, thanks for all the info. I only have DVDFAB Platinum on my computer, so I don't think it is a program conflict problem. I think I may have figured it out. On occasion, instead of ripping the movie and burning it immediately to a blank DVD, I have ripped it to my hard drive and then burned it later to a DVD. These seem to be the ones that are failing. Even tho I only have one DVD drive on my computer and the movie has to rip to the hd and then burn to the dvd, if I don't do it all at the same time, I get failures. I hope I am making sense. DVD FAB gives you the option of 2 sources for movies: 1. the DVD drive 2. the hard drive and DVD FAB gives you the option of ripping and burning to 2 targets: 1. a blank DVD 2. HD If I choose to rip from the movie in the DVD drive as source and burn to a blank DVD as the target, success. If I choose to rip to the hd and then later select the movie on the HD as the source and a blank DVD as target, then I get a failure. I don't know why it should make a difference if I rip and burn all in one step or in 2 steps, but it seems to. I hope this prevents someone else from ending up with coasters. Anyway, thanks for all the suggestions!
using the hard drive as the destination should not be a problem to burn LATER than to do it all at once. I use CopyToDVD to burn disks that are on my hard drive or I'll use Nero. The rule here is: [bold]if you can rip the movie to the hard drive then you can burn it![/bold]What you're telling me doesn't make sense. There is nothing wrong with the movie that is ripped to the hard drive so why can't you burn it? There is no reason for it. Unless your hard drive is corrupt.... is it? nooooo I don't think so. Do what works for you...... use DVDFab Platinum by [bold]SOURCE: your dvd drive, DESTINATION: your burner.[/bold] It will make a temp copy to the hard drive and then to the burner, and erasing the temp files after burning. Very simple program. So long as it works that way for you...... keep on using it. but to say that your hard drive won't burn a DVD that is on it..... then you are using the wrong program and I suggest you use a program that works...... CopyToDVD or Nero or take your choice of many many more!
I see you've been using the 'slowest' setting before, but maybe going to 'recommended' would be better or at least keep you going.
Thanks for the input, tyl, but I finally discovered that the problem was my burner was failing. I need to send my notebook in and get it replaced. I think I'm going to get an external burner for doing my back ups as it doesn't seem that notebook burners hold up as well as desktop or externals do. If anyone has any comments or recommendations, I'd appreciate the input.
did you ever figure your problem out? I have been having the same issue expcept I've taken my computer to have several people check it out to try to fix the problem and everyone says it's not my dvd burner, but it's my software, however noone can tell me whats wrong.