i know someone before had this up, but when i clicked on the link it really caught my eye, is this main board good at all? im trying to get into computer creating, so this is all new to me, http://www.bzboyz.com/store/product2921.html any one agree with me that its good or is it bad, any suggestions on it?
Depends on what you will be using this comp for, Gaming = No for this mobo., and just some kinda office use, = yes
a little bit of gaming such as "command and conquer generals" or "battlefield 2", internet of course, downloading movies and stuff like that. or do you guys have any other preferiable ones that would fit me better? but in that price range or so.
It's not gonna be BAD or anything, but there are better deals out there. I got my motherboard and processor for 200 bucks after rebate, and it was an Asus K8VSE Deluxe w/ athlon 64 3400+. Yes, it would be fine for gaming....BUT there are way better options out there for you.
like would you mind finding me some, but $200 would be going over board with my budget because i am just starting to make my own computer and i dont want to mess around with it to much and $200 going down the drain just like that. maybe like $50 cheaper or something like that, thanx