all antispyware programs will slowdown your computer that's why I don't recommend that as an option, most antivirus will catch most suspicious activity anyway. But what I use instead of antispyware is "returnil" both do the same thing remove any spyware that gets into the computer. The only difference is that returnil won't slow your computer, and it will completely remove all known/unknown spyware/virus that you might get while returnil is engaged. It's a good program and free. But the only antispyware that I used before I found out about "returnil" was webroot spyware sweeper and that work pretty good, but it did slowdown my computer. my system security suite 1.)zone alarm firewall 2.)avg antivirus (free version) 3.)firefox 2.0 browser 4.)returnil haven't had a virus spyware problem in over a year.
Awesome, thanks for the info, your setup is the same as mine except for returnil How do you feel about Comodo firewall?