I have just got a ds lite after having a psp for ages so impressed i want to use homebrew same as psp but not to sure how to yet. If i buy a supercard lite do i need to buy anything else also is there any chance of damaging the ds by using these thanks samjane32
If you buy a Supercard lite(for slot 2), you'll also need a passcard/superkey for slot 1, and a micro SD card for the storage. ..and a card reader too....Plus--with a supercard lite, you'll need to use conversion software to get the 'stuff' onto the card. it's all a bit of a pain. . Much less hassle if you get a slot-1 device with built-in storage(i believe). Look at this very cheap and reliable F Card: http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.10159 they also do a 2gb version. .... Have a look at the 'G6 Real' as well. Probabaly the best of all the flash-cards i've tried. . No damage ever done to the DS, in my experience.
thanks for that but i am in the uk and things often get lost in the post from abroad i have found a uk supplier of the supercard ds one this looks easy enough for a beginner. Is this a better solution? thanks
Supercard DS One is a good card and should last for ever. No need to install conversion software on your PC with this one. The software is on the actual card, and you just 'drag & drop'(copy & paste) the games to the card. It also comes with a USB card reader, which is nice..It's cheaper than the supercard lite as-well, but wont play gameboy advance games. . If you get the bundle which includes the microSD card, pay the extra £1 to get a decent quality brand name card (Scandisk or Kingston). . Good luck.
hi i bought a ds one supercard but having trouble getting it to work there are ds one files ds one hdsc and micro sd files on the disc which files go onto to the micro sd card can anyone talk me through it please
Here, Billy.... Check thses 2 links, and go with the one which has the picture of the DS One card you have. . http://supercardstore.com/info/slot1/DSONESDHC.php . http://supercardstore.com/info/slot1/DS-ONE.php . you can do it..good luck.
hi reggdegg thanks very much followed instructions got it working tried to put games on and it stopped working did the test hold l r and switch on says ps ram error otherwise get one black sreen and one white do you think the card is faulty and needs returning? anymore advice much appreciated
PS RAM error.....!? . I think the supercard might be broke, old chap. The PS RAM is inside the flashcard[im sure]. Send it back and ask for a replacement. . Can we have a 2nd opinion please. Can someone else with more knowlege please verify this, coz i dont want to tell this guy to bin his Supercard then find out i'm worng.