I've currently got a Superpass and X-ROM2 512MBit card for my DS. it works well enough, but since you have to convert NDS roms to .gba with NDSPatch, I have run into issues lately where most new roms won't convert. I was thinking about getting a Supercard SD (or CF ideally, since I have an unused 1GB CF card). I have a first generation DS (bought it on release day.) How is the compatibility on these things compared to the method I use now? Do you have to convert or can you just load the roms strait on? Can I still use my Superpass or will I need a different model?
you can still use your superpass as far as the method.. all you do is you write the ROM to your SD/CF card using the Supercard software (which you can download). Right before you write it there are a few options available.. you don't really need any of them but if you want you can always experiment with them. The supercard software has patches built in for you and automatically applies them if the game needs it Don't throw away your X-ROM cart yet though.. Supercard's GBA support isn't the best.. so you'll run into slow downs and stuff *only* on GBA mode. DS mode is not affected
Thanks for the info. I was looking at the price of the DX-Extreme, but since it's a fixed memory size 9and only 512MB) I think I will go with a SuperCard CF. Thanks for the help.
I ended up getting an M3 with miniSD and passkey. So far it's great, and runs very current roms. I like the ability to upgrade the Game Manager for when future roms need different patches.