Surreal 64 help... nothing works

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by cybermonk, Jul 8, 2005.

  1. cybermonk

    cybermonk Member

    Jul 7, 2005
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    Ok I have downloaded several N64 ROMs and tried to use them with surreal 64 on my Xbox. After playing with it for hours I can not get it to load the ROMs.
    I have found other posts on this topic and none of them helped. I have tried everything that I have read. I have changed the ini files; I have changed folder locations, and still nothing. I have tried everything that I could think of and found very little help on my internet searches.
    Is there a special type of rom that you need? Or extension? Does it have to have a exact name? does surreal have to be in a certain folder/drive to work? Can someone help me, I have tried it all and nothing. Thanks for all your input.
  2. AzidReign

    AzidReign Guest

    Hey man, I.M. me on AIM or MSN and I'll help you out.
    AIM: AzzidReign
    I'll get it to work for you;)

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