Just recently I've noticed the sound & picture way out of sync on my SV4, easily rectified by turning it off and on again but it happens quite a lot. Anyone else having this trouble?
yeah, it does it every now and again, it seems to happen on a chan change, the program you watch next is slightly out of sync Are you getting probs with the chan change yet? Sound is there, but black screen for a bout a min? Its happening on the SV4 Usb and a couple of times on the Kryptview, hanging chan change, with and without sound, se
Yeah I've had the sound but no vision thing too, just really noticed that yesterday. I found that if I hit the "info" button on the remote I got the vision. I've also noticed it boots up much faster when I turn it on - the logo appears on the screen immediately. Before this would take 3 or 4 seconds.
yeah its the last few days thats been happening, taking a while for the pic to come through, sometimes sound is there for about 20 secs firstly. The krypt is getting it to, channal hang
Hey Skelly, it's a pain in the arse alrite.....sometimes when it happens to me, I just pause the picture for a few seconds and that sorts it out but to be honest...sometimes the pause button takes a few pushes before IT works!!!!