Hi, I have nero I downloaded a svcd video and burned it which I can watch on my computer but when I tested it on my dvd player it would not work, my dvd player can recganize mpeg1,2,4 vcd, svcd formats but did not play. I downloaded nero vision to burn from there and the error msg was need meg2 svcd to burn, I downloaded the mpegs svcd codec and it still will not work. What is wrong here.
Wherabouts are you in the world?? The reason I'm asking is because the movie you downloaded could have been in NTSC wheras your dvd is PAL or vice versa. Also, you say it understands Mpeg-4?? What is your dvd player??
Hi, The dvd player is not formated for mpeg4 I was wrong but I tried to ajust the settings to pal the screen started running and I can't switch it back while the screen is running. what do I do to switch it back? the player is a GE high end player.
GE model numbers are somewhat consistent with this format: GE Digital GE1105P.. find the correct model number, and then go to this site and see if anybody posted any useful information about your model http://www.vcdhelp.com/dvdplayers.php?DVDname=&DVDselect=GE&Submit=Search&Search=Search