I think I must be the only one to try this one.... I used to convert avi to svcd just like everybody else, I have amassed quite a large colection Now I have a dvd burner... and want to convert svcd to avi so I can merge & recode to dvd. I've searched about every forum I can think of, & googled about six thousand times & still can't find any guides or apps to do this. Any help here? I tried to copy the mpeg files from the disc, to recode them, but never get valid video files. Always blocky, or nonexistant. I dunno... I'm about to give up. Thanks for any help you can give.
Firstly, there's no point in re-encoding to avi, then re-encoding yet again to mpeg-2 for DVD. Just author your svcd's, directly to dvdr. Try DVDLab Pro. I have a guide if you need it.
rebootjim, can I please get that guide. My email is ahiah9@dodgeit.com Or post a link on the forums. Thank You for your help.