How do i return to the basic Cobra bios, after I have (with a error) turned on the swap disk system as defult? When I boot it up, it starts the disk swapping before the interface starts up, so I can't turn it off, this prevents me from upgrading to 1.5 or 1.6 since these keep my old setup, and I have to run the chip on the 1.2 bios. Did that make any sense?
If you're using the Viper GC Extreme, you shouldn't even use the 1.2 BIOS as it can ruin your chip. That's about as much help as I can be though, since I have a qoob Pro.
I know about the problems 1.2 can make for the chip.. If I try to save any settings. I do however know about these problems, and can avoid them. I am asking how I can reset the settings on the 1.5 bios (or 1.6 for that matter).