Swapped the HDD--How to ditch Xbox Live?

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by kdshohfi, Nov 21, 2006.

  1. kdshohfi

    kdshohfi Member

    Nov 21, 2006
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    I successfully swapped my original xbox hdd for a 250 gb =).
    However, I am unable to play xbox live-compatible games because by modding hdd i was banned. Not only can i not use the xbox live feature (which i do not mind), but the games just crash at the start menu.
    When i unplug the ethernet, everything works fine.

    If anyone has any ideas of what settings to change or files to delete to disable xbox live (or anything else to fix the problem), I would greatly appreciate it!
  2. handsom

    handsom Regular member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    I've never heard of that happening, but a fix should be REALLY simple.

    Go into the original xbox dashboard, go into memory options, find your XBL account, and DELETE it altogether. Also go into XBL options, and disable auto-sign in. These two things WILL fix the problem.

    It sounds like M$ is getting more aggressive with their protection as of late; but I can't blame them.

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