Hi- Just another newbie question...Sorry. I recently switched from DVD43Free/ Shrink3.2 to DVD Decrypter/Shrink 3.2 to back up my DVDs because of the "cyclic redundancy" issues. My question is...why did it go from taking 45 minutes from start to finish to now taking approx [bold]3 hours[/bold]!!!!!????? Thanks, in advance, for any insight or suggestions to reduce the time. Please, keep it as simple as possible, computer jargon is not my strong point...Thanks!
Your dvd Burner most likly is in the PIO mode it should be in DMA mode the change can be caused by your burner cyclic redundancy errors they are caused by your burner unable to read the dvds they may caused by dvds that are dirty, finger prints etc To check burner open up control panel click on Systems box will open click on device manager and scroll down to IDE Controler deleate the secondary controler then reboot the computer and windows will reinstall controler and the burner will be set to DMA Mode then try burnung a disc
If DVD Decrypter is fighting through a structurally copy protected disk with tons of pack header errors and blank cells, it will churn for a long time. Have you tried using DVDFab Decrypter for ripping to your hard drive? Better yet, save yourself some time and trouble and try AnyDVD. http://www.slysoft.com http://www.dvdidle.com/free.htm Important! DVD43 and AnyDVD cannot, I repeat, cannot both be installed. DVD43 is an evil program. Uninstall it and keep it off your machine.
Thank you laddyboy & david66... I actually already downloaded the trial AnyDVD and it gives a message at the start, when it finds DVD43Free, to remove it from your computer before it will even begin to download. I will give it a try...I may be back if I'm too dense to figure it out. Thanks again for the help!!!