Hi, my pc started restarting on its own in the middle of doing small tasks, so i decided to reformat it in the process of doing so it froze on me. Now it refuses to install windows i getting a lot of missing dll errors, please help amd athlon 1gb ram (2x512) 160gb sata hdd 7900gt video card
i 2nd that as i ran into that problem with a customer's pc & found eventually that replacing the ram solved the problem.
you can remove one of the ram sticks and try reinstalling windows this way you can troubleshoot which stick is bad. Your amd athlon should run fine on 512mb unless your you are using Vista then you might need the full 1gb of ram. If it's not a ram problem, then it might be your video card getting too hot or having bad drivers.
Nah, wouldn't be the GFX card. I would agree with the RAM. BUT it might pay off to try another HDD as well. You could have shocked it.
An overheating graphics card could actually cause a system to reboot, but at idle that's very unlikely.