I have been using x-copy and nero6 with a sony dru-18a worked great for a couple of years and it just quit it goes through the buffering stage and just quits and says unable to burn tried clone it said it may be bad media used same media with over 100 good burns any ideas, could drive have dust in it? please help
your drive is most likly bad time for a new one the cost of a new drive is less than 100.00 and in some cases less than 50.00
I would say it is probably time for a new drive also, does not look like there is any support for this drive and the last firmware update for it was 2 years ago. Media has changed a lot in that time, I think your drive just can't keep up anymore. As stated new burners are really getting cheap you can even find some for less than 40.00. Try at http://www.newegg.com http://www.meritline.com There are always deals going on.