Windows XP SP2 Nero 6 ( Burner: SONY DVD RW DW-D22A BYS2 After I burn a CD/DVD, I basically have to reset my computer for anything to work. My system stops responding to anything. It pretty much freezes everything up. Any possible suggestions on how to fix? I reinstalled Nero and same thing. If I burn a CD with Windows Media Player, this does not happen, only with Nero. thanks
your version of Nero 6 is not the stablest version.... is the most stablest version of Nero 6 and I would update it to that version. Here's how: Before udating to I would save the serial #, uninstall Nero, then use the cleaning tools : then do a registry clean up(free registry cleaner, CClean: and defrag...... then reboot! install package one: then install package two: reboot and you're good to go! hope this corrects your system freezing!