does anyone know a good program that tags mp3s, one that can change whole folders and filenames. say a file was... -untitled-track-01.mp3 and i wanted to change them all to go "Track - 1.mp3" "Track - 2.mp3" I cant find anything that will do this and set them all to what i specify. i can change the artists and album title, but not the filename
djscoop recommended the MEXP plugin for winamp. Check out the "what media player do you use" thread in this forum.
yeah, i tryed it out but it wont let me tag whole folders. like, i want to be able to clean and rename my files, if possible.( all lowercase -album,title) im sure theres programs that do this...just dont know which ones
in case anyones wondering, Tag&Rename does this. i asked this before i was awnsered in the other thread
Check out CD-Tag, I think it will do what you're looking for.