Hi all, I currently useing DD shrink to copy my DVD movies, but it takes such a long time. Are there faster programs that work just as good? its killing me. ANY IDEAS?
need more info Did u rip to ur HDD first? What movie r u trying to do? Have u defraged ur PC lately? How long is it taking?
yeah it goes to the HD first. It takes a good hour and a half if i am lucky. computer is running really well, i just dont understand why its so slow.
Hi Dean1192 If you have 'deep analysis' or 'quality enhancements' checked will take about 2x as long. Check and make sure all your drive's are in DMA mode and not PIO mode. Look at 'current transfer mode' too - Ultra DMA Mode & a # needs to be listed there too. Here's a guide if needed: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/260038