I have a first generation Dell Dj and i wanted to be like everybody else and get a smaller, lighter, and all around better ipod. The problem is that all my music is on my dj and i dont have the music files on my computer anymore. I dont want to take the time to rip the thousands of songs i have on it again. Is there any way i can get the songs off. I thought i heard somewhere that Dell made it so you cant take to songs off to fight against piracy but maybe i'm crazy. Thanks a bunch
If ur dell still synchronizes to ur pc all should have to do is open up dell explorer and access music folder. When all ur songs come up click edit and select all. Then copy or move to any folder u choose. Dell dj or dell explorer should be visible when u open up my computer.
Most of the time all I get from this site is answers 2 my ?'s. Its nice to 2 be able to give something back. U r much welcome.