TDK IndieDVD 440N - Member thoughts?

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by BernWern, Oct 18, 2003.

  1. BernWern

    BernWern Guest

    After some research, I decided to purchase the TDK 440N as my multi-burner. Lots of thought went into this.
    1) Obviously the price.
    2) Company (is it RIAA related, support, etc)
    3) Speeds
    4) Disc Formats
    5) Hardware specs (buffer, benchmarks, etc)
    Too late for me to change now, but does anyone have thoughts regarding this burner? In comparisonb to many others it is awesome. I did not see any posts regarding this burner, but there seem to be many about the Sony and Pioneer drives. Feel free to share your thoughts, especially if you are one of the lucky owners of this multi-read/write drives.
  2. Jaktoosh

    Jaktoosh Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    Last edited: Oct 21, 2003

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