Technical Interference question

Discussion in 'Televisions' started by P2P2P, Oct 9, 2006.

  1. P2P2P

    P2P2P Member

    Nov 22, 2005
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    This one is a bit weird and I have a solution but have no idea why?
    I recently bought a Samsung 32" LCD to use as my new PC monitor. All is hooked up (PC and Cable straight into the back of TV) and it works fine but if I'm watching TV and then switch on the pc the reception goes really bad. The strange part is if I put my pc into standby mode the reception is fine (nothing weird here as it's the hard drives causing the interference) but when I turn the pc back on, the reception goes bad for about 2 secs and then clears as if the pc wasn't on even though you can hear the hard drives whurring away.
    It's obvious the HDD's are causing the interference but I just can't understand how a quick sleep sorts it out. I suppose the real question is why a boot up from "off" causes a problem but not a boot up from "sleep". Any ideas?
  2. diabolos

    diabolos Guest

    I think it maybe caused by dirty power as a biit up from off requires more power than a boot from sleep mode. Is everything pluged into the same curcuit?

  3. P2P2P

    P2P2P Member

    Nov 22, 2005
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    Yeah, it's all conected to an extention lead. When I boot up from sleep I get the same interference for about 2 seconds and then the picture clears to normal. I've also tried turning off and on the TV but the bad reception only fixes with a PC adjustment.
    I must try PC power up (bad reception), Sleep, Sleep boot up (Fix reception), and then a PC shutdown and restart, just to see the result. I expect bad reception.
    I'll also try a different power source for the TV as you suggest it may be the issue. Thankfully I have a fix for this but I'm just interested in how the PC can run and the picture can be perfect but the bootup method can have such an impact.
    Thanks again.
  4. P2P2P

    P2P2P Member

    Nov 22, 2005
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    Oops, I forgot to mention the PC picture (windows desktop) is always perfect, it's only a tv signal that seems to get affected.

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