Last night I managed to almost complete a successful burning when my computer shut down due to overheating. When i tried to start from scratch i kept getting a frustratingly small options box which would not let me maximise when trying to add video files. When I did manage to access my documents it kept saying the folder of related folders selected are being used for indexing. What does all of this mean and how do I get back to a normal size options box and get rid of the indexing problem?
make sure the fans in your computer are running the fan for your CPU prevents overheating make sure that is working also get a can of compressed air and blow out the dust from inside your computer
David66, i could not agree with you more about the can of compressed air, i was having trouble about a week ago, thought something major was happening to my computer. opened it up and it was full of dust. could not believe how much dust was in there. so now i make it a point to blow it out once a month, whether it needs it or not. i also have a air purifier pretty close to my computer now, so it has really helped out alot. hardly any dust around computer, or keyboard now.