Ive been using PC Wizard 2005 to monitor my temperatures and speeds. And the tempretures and voltages are as follows: CPU Core - 1.65v VCore1 - 2.56v +3.3V Voltage - 1.38v +5V Voltage - 3.12v +12V Voltage - 6.39v Chassis Fan - 661rpm processor fan - 3443rpm Processor temp - 64c mainboard temp - 127c Power/Aux temp - 47c WDC 160Gb temp - 47c Maxtore 40Gb temp - 40c the mainboard temp seems really high to me! is this a true reading it seems to hot to be true. My system is stable its only got one small over clock xp2800 -> xp3000. Whats wrong with the 127c temp?
your monitor is all wrong! theres no way it would boot up with temps like those! just look at the first 5 to tell you that! http://www.lavalys.com/products/download.php?pid=1&lang=en download this and recheck the temps!
also check your hardware monitor in the bios to see what your temps is because what you posted is totally wrong as the mainboard temp is above the boiling point of water
definately celsius, but I have a feeling that it is wrong, other software doesnt detect a sensor on the mainboard. and gives no reading for it at all.
There is no way that you could be posting, on the same computer, if those temps were correct. The mainboard temp, alone, would make your computer a pile of goop.