has anyone had a problem where without using AnyDVD and watching this movie in the computer it jumps right to the movie (and yes Remove Annoying Adverts and Trailers and Jump to Main Movie is off). when i turn Remove Annoying Adverts and Trailers and Jump to Main Title on, i hit Play Movie and then the Next Button to get to the movie, it skips through all the options but if i hit the Next Button first, it'll play the movie. i would like to set Remove Annoying Adverts and Trailers and Jump to Main Title or no options in AnyDVD without a weird copy of the movie.
to let you all know, i did use MenuShrink with AnyDVD's Remove Annoying Adverts and Trailers And Jump To Main Menu turned on and it worked
"uncheck" Remove Annoying Adverts and Trailers and re-author in clonedvd 2 doing the movie only ,which would be the top box "Copy DVD Titles" use this guide to help http://bbmayo.home.comcast.net/