are you serious? man what a dick! I was going to share my knowledge of all the best mp3 players, but not with that attitude. people come here on their free time to offer support and help, so be grateful for the help and don't get all pissy when you don't get an immediate response. incorrect, creative makes a 60GB zen mp3 player
its cool man, but don't be rude about it. if you don't get a reply for a few days, just reply to the thread and type "bumb" so it moves this thread back up to the top
hahaha! yes! i am spreading my disease! more and more people are getting turned on by the Creative Zen jukeboxes! MWAHAHAHAH! well, it is a great player.... XD
lol...someone better work on a vaccine! Oh, wait! If we spread it like wildfire, then it will kill the ipod!
well, we don't want to "kill" the ipod, per se, as we need competition. but it wouldn't hurt to give it a friendly shove down the stares of the market.
lets just hurt it enough for another player to be the number one seller...hopefully then apple will lose tons of money, eventually go bankrupt, and then the ipod trend will slowly fade away...