the billionth softmod query

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by 4channerd, Jun 26, 2008.

  1. 4channerd

    4channerd Member

    Jun 26, 2008
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    Okay, I've looked rather extensively through softmod tutorials, which have answered most questions, and I'm only left with one more..

    To transfer files from the computer to the XBox's E drive, do you /have/ to use a crossover cord and FTP software, or can you download it onto the xbox through a burnt CDR?
  2. corn

    corn Guest

    Yes, you can do it with a burnt cdr.
    Thats how I transfer most my files, simply because my FTP trial ran out, and I'm too lazy to buy it.

    Remember though, the Xbox can't write data to the Xbox. So if you need something on your Xbox to your PC, then you will have to do it another way.
  3. varnull

    varnull Guest

    Corn... why are you using payware when there are programs like filezilla ftp for free available?

    please also note.. lots of xbox drives will not read cd-r, but will read cd-rw and always read dvd-r (+ and rw not always.. test to be sure)
  4. 4channerd

    4channerd Member

    Jun 26, 2008
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    Okay, that's all I was asking for, thank you, then!
  5. corn

    corn Guest

    For like 3 months my Xbox didn't have network available, and when I tried Flashfxp today and saw my trail ran out. Since I now have a Ethernet cable to use, no more burning disks for me!

    However, honestly, I wasn't even aware that there were free alternatives. I thought most were pay (only tried Flashfxp, and Smartftp which imo sucked).
    Thanks for alerting me of some nice alternatives :).

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