i have had my box for a week now, im a little happy with it but i was thinking it would be better than it is. i have installed a 160gb hard drive and formated it fine, Problem i have now is that when i try and record it always says HDD NOT INSTALLED. When you go to the menu it says HDD Mode Change NO It works 1 in 1000 does anyone know the problem Thanks
Hi I would suspect the hard drive, is it new? was it formatted prior to installing in the PVR? Maybe some bad sectors, I would borrow or try another or double check your connections. Red line on ribbon closest to 4 pin power plug and H/D set to Master on jumper pins. I would also check which version of firmware is installed, v 4.506Oct is best and this info can be found in Menu/System Setup/System Information. Hard disc drive mode change is only needed for Data transfer beween PC to PVR or PVR to PC via USB. jbvid
the hard drive isnt new it came out of a sky+ box, i formatted the hard drive with the pvr, i will check all the wires in the box tomorrow and i will get back to you, you say HDD Mode change is only used for transfering but when its in NO the recording dont work on the box, i have the newest firmware on the box, P's is there a way of getting sky1 with this box. everything else i pick up.
Hi Don't put it to NO then, if it goes to NO on its own (which it shouldn't) I would renew/reflash a new version of the firmware. But first, as I said if your connections are OK change the hard drive, its not that expensive to try or borrow another one to prove the problem you have. No Sly one in UK for well over a year now. jbvid
ok thanks for all your help. i sorted the hard drive problem i didnt set it to master. i have another 2 questions 1. What format does the PVR record and how can i watch what i recorded on my pc, i have transfered the both files but how do i play them. 2. i have transfered MP3 songs to my PVR i see them on the harddrive but when i click on them to play a yellow bar at the top moves and then that it, no sound or nothing. thanks for your help so far
Try a read here, or use the (Search Messages) box near the top of the main screen. http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/608224 jbvid