Right, the facts: The Box (Starview 2?) API ver: 4.51e_E Boot ver: 7.0 9. Jul. 2007 Previous Provider - Telewest (5A 01) Location - London, UK Current Keys (Updated 12/10/09) - Problem: I'm not getting all the channels, as in the ones that you have to pay for i.e. the ones with ($) next to them. The basic free ones are working fine. I enter the keys manualy which I get from the internet usually and I have never connected the box to anything and updated it. So what do I need to do? Do I need more recent keys? Any suggestions much appreciated. Thanks
I would advise you to remove those keys before admin or mods shut the thread Did you turn the EMU on?
Then it's about time you flashed it with the AU Firmware so that you do not need to look anywhere for updates okay, this is the Firmware and Loader for Starview 2 The Box >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.4shared.com/file/80407617/7ab3b3f/The_Box_457__Loader.html Now if you have never flashed before then click on the link marked Eurovox for a graphical illustration of what you will need to connect it to your PC (Different box exact same connectivity) then click on the link marked Starview and you will find a tutorial, courtesy HiTeck and Celtic.